Dedicated to sharing the life stories of Antonio, Cristy, Gabriel, and Mariela Ramos with close family and friends.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

Hola everyone!

I was just praying and asking God to bless our family in the new year when I came across the following verse:

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come." - 1st Corinthians 5:17

In this new year, my prayer for my family & friends is that we will truly take this verse to heart. It's easy in our busy lives to forget who we are in Christ and how it should impact the way we live each day. Let's be the new creation that Christ desires us to be.....His ambassadors extending Christ's love and compassion to all....while sharing the good news of His grace! Let this be a verse to live by in 2006!

Happy new year!

Antonio, Cristy, Gabriel & Mariela

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Bekka visits MN (2/10/05)

Bekka and Gabriel share a laugh!

Bekka flew out with Roy Disney and his crew for the Disney Shareholder's meeting that was held here in Minneapolis. She could only visit for a day, but you can imagine the impact it has on Gabriel. The first morning after Bekka left, Gabriel awoke saying, "Where's Tia Bekka?". When Cristy told him she wasn't there, he said, "I'm disappointed, Mama." "Why are you disappointed", Cristy asked? "Because Tia Bekka's not here. She is in California...."(shaking his head while displaying his "sad" face).......the kid is pure drama....but he sure loves his "Tia Bekka"!

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Breakfast with Gabriel

Mixing it up!

It's interesting the amount of influence your children have over your life. Although Gabriel has already eaten breakfast, he thinks this would be a great day to make pancakes.

Gabriel may only be 23 months old, but thinks he is an adult. He announces, "I'm going to help you Papa!!" and runs into the kitchen with his typical "cat-like swiftness". Once in the kitchen, he slowly pushes a chair from the table up to the counter. He climbs up and immediately eyes the bowl with the pancake batter. "I'll stir", he says with an eager look in his eyes.

Fifteen minutes later, we had stirred the batter, poured it into the pan, poured it into the sink, poured it on to the floor, poured it on each other, flipped some pancakes, burned our hands (note to self: don't let your two year old too near to the hot pan, if you want to create a positive cooking experience), and even ate some of our batch. In fact, we finished with some good looking matching Mickey Mouse pancakes! I think Gabriel's favorite part was eating Mickey's ears. It was quite an eventful Sunday morning breakfast! Enjoy the photos!

Monday, December 06, 2004


Hello everyone!

Welcome to our blog! Cristy, Gabriel, Mariela and I established this blog as a way to be able to share our life with our close friends and family. Please feel free to post comments/thoughts. We will love hearing from you!

Ramos family (Antonio, Cristy, Gabriel, and Mariela)